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Cover letter
A formal letter
A personal letter
Letter to my friend
My boyfriend
Curriculum Vitae
Nepravidelná slovesa

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Anglický jazyk

Three sticks of Svatopluk

There was once a king named Svatopluk. He had three sons. The king called his sons to his deathbed. Each son wanted to rule the whole realm himself. The king said: “My realm will be equally divided among you!” Younger brothers were to answer for their reign to the eldest son. When the sons showed their disfavor with king’s decision, he ordered a servant to give three wooden sticks to the eldest son. The king said: “Break them, my son!” The eldest son tried hard, but he could not break all three sticks. He returned the sticks and said that he is unable to do it. Then the king ordered servant to give sticks to the second son. He tried as well, but did not succeed. The same happened to the last son. Then the king ordered servant to give one stick to each son. Now sons could break them easily. They understood their father’s wisdom, accepted king’s last wish and they lived happily ever after.

Cover letter

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am contacting you in the matter of job application. I have seen your advertisement in Daily Gossip, where you offer a position of sales manager in your company. I fulfill all your requirements and I think I could be a great contribution to your company.
I had a great interest in languages and science since the primary school, so I went to prestigious Grammar school Voděradská, where I finished my general education. During my high school years, I competed in numerous areas ranging from language competitions to astronomical or chemistry competitions with great results. Since then I have been studying on the Faculty of mathematics and physics, where I am about to graduate and achieve my bachelor’s degree next year.
I think I am right for the job, because I have people-experience from fast-food sale, representative appearance and logistic experience from flyer-distribution company. I also have the ability to think logically and analytically and I can make fast decisions.
I will contact your HR division in a week and know that I am happy to come for an interview in person any time, just let me know at least two days before.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Smith

A formal letter about music

Dear Principal,
I am writing to you on behalf of our whole band. We are asking you for permission to perform in school gymnasium. Our fans demand it and we do not want to dissapoint them.
Our band consists of 4 people, Mike Wazovsky playing drums, Adam Jenson playing guitar, John Shepard playing bass guitar and John MacTavish singing.  All of us are currently studying in the sixth grade here.
Of course we have our own sound systems. However, we have some problems with it at the moment, but we are working about it. We would like to perform right before summer holidays and we could connect it with summer festival.
Thank you for reading a for possible considering.
Yours faithfuly

A personal letter

Hi Mom!
It's been too long since I saw you and I thought I'd write you to know what's going on.
Anyway, as you know, we're travelling through the America. We've already been on the road for two weeks because of some problems with transportation, but now we are doing quite alright.
Right now we are in Mexico and we have one slight problem. Michael was kidnapped and the kidnappers demand a ransom and I don't know what to do. They want 60 000 dollars and I am really scared that if I don't get the money, they will kill him. Can you send the money to the address, from which I am sending you this letter?
Well, I have no time to spare and so I must finish. Thank you very much.
I hope I'll see you again, your son John.
P.S. Tell about it to Michael's parents, just so they know.

Letter to my friend

Hi my friend Jimmy
Sending much greetings from Prague. Thank you for your nice letter. I'm glad you're doing well and are well flew home to America. I wonder what your family and how they all have.
Next time you have to be in Prague for a long time. You write that you liked Prague Castle and would like to visit other attractions. When you come back, I'll take you to other castles here in the Czech Republic.
I have an idea, but I do not know what would have to say. Next holiday we could spend together traveling around Europe. We rode the stop and I thought we went through Germany, Switzerland, France to England and Ireland. In France, I would like to delay a few days and see Paris, and especially around the locks. And how would you imagined you?
Write me soon and say hi to your parents.
Take care,

My boyfriend

My boyfriend is called Michal, but many people call him Šíma. He is twenty-four and he outlives in Prague. He has got small flat in Strašnice. He was born in north-west of Bohemia, in Broumov. He works in high school as teacher physic. I hope he will next year work as teacher in Broumov, because he likes this place overly. He has got many hobbies. I think, he like physic, especially electronics, very much. He draw very nice and he write brilliantly styles, too. In addition to, he is progressed photograph. But he doesn’t like history. And he hates Prague; he always says that Prague is for him a prison.
Michal is tall and he is plump. He has got short, dark hair and blue-green eyes. He never wears make-up, but he sometimes uses deodorant and then he smell sweet. He is gentleman. In fact, he is ever wiling and greatly intelligent. Also he is very heedful, ceaselessly busy and creative and tolerant, too.
There are only a couple of people, which understand him. But those people love him. Maybe because he is so wiling and hard-working, for example he always helps me with my homework’s, particularly with math’s and physic’s homework’s. But I fall in love with him, because of him.

Curriculum Vitae

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